11.05.2016Play Tinder without Tinder or FaceBook account
You want to play Tinder without having a Tinder account?
If you simply want to have some fun with some friends (only someone needs a Tinder account), you can definitively do this without a Facebook account by using the TeamPlayer for Tinder App: http://team-player-for-tinder.klickagent.ch. Download the App from the Appstore or Google Playstore
12.06.2015There was a problem connecting to the server "XY" keeps popping up
Your problem:
Message: "There was a problem connecting to the server "XY". The server may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again."
The message above opens repeatedly without having a mounted network or similar. In addition it opens up before you even logged in on the login user screen. If your Macosx tries to connect constantly to connect to a server which is not available and you checked all other places like described in:
CakePHP saveAll command does not work when using a non INT primary key for a model. Cakephp does not create the records over the relation. It does not matter whether you are using VARCHAR or CHAR. It simply does not work...unfortunately...
15.11.2014Turingmachine (Turischmaschine) Multiplikation mit 0 gefixt
29.05.2014Cordova App using angularjs does not run controller
If you have an empty view, the controller of the angularjs application will no be executed!
28.05.2014Cordova Code Signing Error when trying to run App in emulator
If you experience a "** BUILD FAILED **"-Error when running your cordova application via CLI you are probably running the app using
cordova run ios
without having a provision profile installed. Try to emulate by using
cordova emulate ios
Error that might occur using "cordova run ios":
Check dependencies,
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles matching the team ID ... were found.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.1').
10.02.2014Send custom headers to tests (testcase) in cakephp using testAction method
Simply add the element to the global variable $_SERVER and you are done
how to add a javascript link to ios bookmark (bookmarkbar)
copy the hole link above.
add current open link to your bookmarks
go to bookmarks menu and press "edit"
paste into the url section the previously copied link
name it and you are ready for the next step
goto your domain you want to remove cookies from (no https allowed, sorry!)
go to your bookmarks and run the previously stored link
Installation for IOS Bookmarks (Javascripts:)
25.10.2013Create an appleID (apple ID, iCloud ID) for iTunes / App Store without credit card.
click on a free app to install
login window appears
click on Create Apple-ID
fill in the form
click save
Select "None" from the payment method options
25.10.2013Neue appleID (apple ID, iCloud ID) für den iTunes / App Store ohne Kreditkarte erstellen
Klicken Sie auf die Gratis-App, die Sie downloaden möchten.
Das Anmeldefenster wird aufgerufen.
Klicken Sie auf Apple-ID erstellen.
Füllen Sie das Formular aus.
Klicken Sie auf Weiter.
Die Zahlungsmethoden werden angezeigt. Wählen Sie Keine aus.
25.10.2013Activate an existing appleID for use in AppStore without credit card information
Open App Store
Look for a free app an click download
login with your credentials
a message pops up which shows that your account has not been used in the store yet and account information are required. ("This apple ID has not yet been used with the app store.")
Click review
click on Paypal button
select gift card
fill in billing address
press save
enter credentials again
same message pops up again which was shown when you tried to install the free app before, after you entered the correct credentials
press review again
now you should have the option "none" in the payment type list
select none
try to save after adding billing adress
if it does not work yet, press cancel
(*) select a free app from the store again, click install
enter credentials
press review in the dialog
now the "none" option should still exist
try to save after adding billing address
if it does not work try to cancel again, and restart from (*) again
25.10.2013Aktiviere einen existierenden appleID Acount für den AppStore ohne Kreditkarte zu hinterlegen
App Store öffnen
Gratis Programm suchen und installieren anklicken
mit der AppleID einloggen
Meldung erscheint, welche besagt, dass der Account noch nie im AppStore verwendet wurde ("Der angegebene Account noch nicht im ITunes Store verwendet wurde, bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Account Daten")
Anzeigen anklicken
iTunes Gutscheincode einlösen anklicken
Rechnungsadresse ausfüllen
Speichern anklicken
Login Daten nochmals angeben
Selbe Nachricht wie oben beschrieben erschein ein weiteres Mal ("Der angegebene Account noch nicht im ITunes Store verwendet wurde, bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Account Daten")
Anzeigen anklicken
Jetzt sollte "Keine" in der Kreditkartenauswahl erscheinen
Keine auswählen
Speichern, nach Eingabe der Rechnungsadresse
Wenn es noch nicht funktioniert mit dem Speichern, Abbrechen anklicken
(*) Wiederum eine Gratis App suchen und installieren anklicken
Mit AppleID einloggen
Anzeigen anklicken im Dialog
"Keine" sollte immernoch verfügbar sein
Rechnungsadresse eingeben und speichern
falls es noch immer nicht funktioniert wieder bei (*) beginnen (sollte nach einigen Versuchen funktionieren)
14.06.2013Deploying with Capistrano (Ruby on Rails, RVM, Gitolite, Git)
if you encounter
FATAL: suspicious characters loitering about
cap deploy:setup
you probably miss configured the file deploy.rb: make sure you use another user for your deployment process than for the git (gitolite):
set :repository, "GITUSER@SERVER:REPO" set :user, "DEPLOYUSER"
4.07.2013How to convert a decimal into a fraction (TI Voyage 200/89) / Dezimalzahl in einen Bruch umwandeln mit dem TI Voyage 200
fraction => decimal : enter calculation and press diamond button before pressing ENTER for calculation
decimal => fraction : exact( DECIMAL ) returns you the fraction (second parameter of exact function would be the precision
bruch => dezimalzahl : exact ( dezimalzahl )
dezimalzahl => bruch : bei Berechnung Diamanten-Taste aktivieren
1.01.2013view PDF s on iOs (iPhone, iPad, iPodTouch) on Moodle / PDF von Moodle auf iOs Gerät öffnen